Grigory Pecherskiy
Managing Partner of ADG group
"I believe the most influential trends will stay the same: hyperlocal places, e-commerce development and focus on memorable experiences. Therefore, the industry will continue shifting towards those trends and will adapt to ever-changing restrictions. The pandemic affected the construction process, retailers became very cautious about new openings, but I expect 2022 to boost the recovery and slowly allow us to reach the planned figures. Nevertheless, the concept must change regardless, and this is a challenge and opportunity at the same time. It is more important than ever to follow your audience and instantly react to their needs and desires. It is obvious that offline experiences are still very valuable but only if you offer something convenient, entertaining, emotionally inspiring, and hyperlocal–these points are fundamental and will be shaping the industry for many years. At ADG group, we have been following this idea from the very beginning with our neighborhood centers project, but this year we also had to adapt and implement some changes, e.g. consider F&B relocation to make it more accessible and strengthen the focus on the quality of the time people spend in our places. I wish to all the industry a rapid recovery, bright ideas and the most loyal partners and audience. I sincerely believe that all is possible if we listen to each other, come up with creative, and flexible approaches and make quick and weighed decisions even in the most challenging times."